I love this game
I love this game
I Agree That We should Have nore lives then just 1
Fun but its a little bit of a time waster
If you get the game, one tip... Dont flipping blink!!!!!
i think i maxed out the game
If you dont like find the ball free then you should get finding ball. You should get both of them there free!
Its fun in all but it just wast my time
If you get this you will get bored really quick.
I dont see why people say this is a time waster. It is a simple game of find the hidden ball so I dont get what else they expect.
bad do not get when your trying to find the ball and you click on the cup it raises the wrong cup thumbs
The noise of the cups is really Annoying get rid of it please.
So i randomly found this app and downloaded it then around level 28 it randomly lags for a split second and i lose the cup i was looking at and i lost.
I LOVE this game but its REALLY annoying that once you mess up on a level you have to start all over.... AT THE FIRST LEVEL!!!
got to level 30 my first time
Its way too easy. Just a waste of time
So awesome first try made it to level 26!!!!!
By xSIy13 - think its pretty good and worth it
This game makes me start from the very beginning any time I mess up. Please fix that but besides that is it fun. If I didnt have to start from the beginning that it would be
It is very not fun
It was okay but it was kind of boring. I think so anyways